About Paapo(Pittsburgh Area African Professionals Organization)

Each year many young Students leave their homes across African to pursue high education at many of the area's fine colleges and universities. From dealing with the region's changing four seasons to managing the cultures shock, these young men and women face many challenges, Families back home sometimes put up entire life saving to give a child a chance at a better education in America. At PAAPO many of our members have stories of similar experiences. We understand the challenges and know the financial commitment our families take to see us through college. Our members believe in giving back. As part of our annual Scholarship Drive this year, we will give back to few of the most deserving of our young brothers and sisters from Africa. Our gift may be small but be meaningful. it will show that as Africans and friends of Africa we do care.The financial donations a few students receive will go to defer cost of books, or meals. it will help alleviate financial burden placed on families back home


The aim of the organization is to unite professional Africans in the community; To promote and maintain African cultures; To promote African awareness within the Pittsburgh Diaspora; To provide mentorship and guidance within the African community.

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